SharpDX.Direct3D11.Effects The assembly provides Effects11 managed API for Direct3D11. ff476080 Direct3D11 Direct3D11 Functions Functions

Creates an effect from a binary effect or file.

Blob of compiled effect data.

Length of the data blob.

No effect flags exist. Set to zero.

Pointer to the on which to create Effect resources.

Address of the newly created interface.

No documentation.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more info about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.

ff476273 HRESULT D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory([In, Buffer] const void* pData,[In] SIZE_T DataLength,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D11Device* pDevice,[Out, Fast] ID3DX11Effect** ppEffect,[In, Optional] const char* srcName) D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory

An interface manages a set of state objects, resources, and shaders for implementing a rendering effect.

An effect is created by calling D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory.

The effect system groups the information required for rendering into an effect which contains: state objects for assigning state changes in groups, resources for supplying input data and storing output data, and programs that control how the rendering is done called shaders.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?Note??

If you call QueryInterface on an object to retrieve the interface, QueryInterface returns E_NOINTERFACE. To work around this issue, use the following code:

 * pIUnknown = (*)pEffect; pIUnknown->AddRef();	
ff476652 ID3DX11Effect ID3DX11Effect
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The effect byte code. Effect compile options Name of the effect source file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476844 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3DX11Effect::IsValid()

Get the device that created the effect.

An effect is created for a specific device, by calling a function such as D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476835 GetDevice GetDevice HRESULT ID3DX11Effect::GetDevice([Out] ID3D11Device** ppDevice)

Get an effect description.

An effect description contains basic information about an effect such as the techniques it contains and the constant buffer resources it requires.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476834 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3DX11Effect::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_DESC* pDesc)

Gets a class linkage interface.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476831 GetClassLinkage GetClassLinkage ID3D11ClassLinkage* ID3DX11Effect::GetClassLinkage()

Test an effect to see if the reflection metadata has been removed from memory.

An effect uses memory space two different ways: to store the information required by the runtime to execute an effect, and to store the metadata required to reflect information back to an application using the API. You can minimize the amount of memory required by an effect by calling which removes the reflection metadata from memory. Of course, API methods to read variables will no longer work once reflection data has been removed.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476843 IsOptimized IsOptimized BOOL ID3DX11Effect::IsOptimized()

Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476844 BOOL ID3DX11Effect::IsValid() ID3DX11Effect::IsValid

Get the device that created the effect.

A reference to an .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

An effect is created for a specific device, by calling a function such as D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476835 HRESULT ID3DX11Effect::GetDevice([Out] ID3D11Device** ppDevice) ID3DX11Effect::GetDevice

Get an effect description.

A reference to an effect description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

An effect description contains basic information about an effect such as the techniques it contains and the constant buffer resources it requires.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476834 HRESULT ID3DX11Effect::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11Effect::GetDesc

Get a constant buffer by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a .

An effect that contains a variable that will be read/written by an application requires at least one constant buffer. For best performance, an effect should organize variables into one or more constant buffers based on their frequency of update.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476832 ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer* ID3DX11Effect::GetConstantBufferByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11Effect::GetConstantBufferByIndex

Get a constant buffer by name.

The constant-buffer name.

A reference to the constant buffer indicated by the Name. See .

An effect that contains a variable that will be read/written by an application requires at least one constant buffer. For best performance, an effect should organize variables into one or more constant buffers based on their frequency of update.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476833 ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer* ID3DX11Effect::GetConstantBufferByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11Effect::GetConstantBufferByName

Get a variable by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a .

An effect may contain one or more variables. Variables outside of a technique are considered global to all effects, those located inside of a technique are local to that technique. You can access any local non-static effect variable using its name or with an index.

The method returns a reference to an effect-variable interface if a variable is not found; you can call to verify whether or not the index exists.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476840 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableByIndex

Get a variable by name.

The variable name.

A reference to an . Returns an invalid variable if the specified name cannot be found.

An effect may contain one or more variables. Variables outside of a technique are considered global to all effects, those located inside of a technique are local to that technique. You can access an effect variable using its name or with an index.

The method returns a reference to an effect-variable interface whether or not a variable is found. should be called to verify whether or not the name exists.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476841 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableByName

Get a variable by semantic.

The semantic name.

A reference to the effect variable indicated by the Semantic. See .

Each effect variable can have a semantic attached, which is a user defined metadata string. Some system-value semantics are reserved words that trigger built in functionality by pipeline stages.

The method returns a reference to an effect-variable interface if a variable is not found; you can call to verify whether or not the semantic exists.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476842 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableBySemantic([In] const char* Semantic) ID3DX11Effect::GetVariableBySemantic

Gets an effect group by index.

Index of the effect group.

A reference to an interface.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476836 ID3DX11EffectGroup* ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByIndex

Gets an effect group by name.

Name of the effect group.

A reference to an interface.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476837 ID3DX11EffectGroup* ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11Effect::GetGroupByName

Get a technique by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an .

An effect contains one or more techniques; each technique contains one or more passes. You can access a technique using its name or with an index.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476838 ID3DX11EffectTechnique* ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByIndex

Get a technique by name.

The name of the technique.

A reference to an . If a technique with the appropriate name is not found an invalid technique is returned. should be called on the returned technique to determine whether it is valid.

An effect contains one or more techniques; each technique contains one or more passes. You can access a technique using its name or with an index.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476839 ID3DX11EffectTechnique* ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByName

Gets a class linkage interface.

Returns a reference to an interface.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476831 ID3D11ClassLinkage* ID3DX11Effect::GetClassLinkage() ID3DX11Effect::GetClassLinkage

Creates a copy of an effect interface.

Flags affecting the creation of the cloned effect. Can be 0 or one of the following values.

D3DX11_EFFECT_CLONE_FORCE_NONSINGLEIgnore all "single" qualifiers on cbuffers. All cbuffers will have their own s created in the cloned effect.


Pointer to an reference that will be set to the copy of the effect.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476830 HRESULT ID3DX11Effect::CloneEffect([In] unsigned int Flags,[Out] ID3DX11Effect** ppClonedEffect) ID3DX11Effect::CloneEffect

Minimize the amount of memory required for an effect.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

An effect uses memory space two different ways: to store the information required by the runtime to execute an effect, and to store the metadata required to reflect information back to an application using the API. You can minimize the amount of memory required by an effect by calling which removes the reflection metadata from memory. API methods to read variables will no longer work once reflection data has been removed.

The following methods will fail after Optimize has been called on an effect.

Note??References retrieved with these methods before calling are still valid after is called. This allows the application to get all the variables, techniques, and passes it will use, call Optimize, and then use the effect.?Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476845 HRESULT ID3DX11Effect::Optimize() ID3DX11Effect::Optimize

Test an effect to see if the reflection metadata has been removed from memory.

TRUE if the effect is optimized; otherwise .

An effect uses memory space two different ways: to store the information required by the runtime to execute an effect, and to store the metadata required to reflect information back to an application using the API. You can minimize the amount of memory required by an effect by calling which removes the reflection metadata from memory. Of course, API methods to read variables will no longer work once reflection data has been removed.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476843 BOOL ID3DX11Effect::IsOptimized() ID3DX11Effect::IsOptimized

The blend-variable interface accesses blend state.

An interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476653 ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable
Get a pointer to a blend-state interface. Returns . HRESULT ID3D10EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10BlendState** ppBlendState) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a blend-state interface.

Index into an array of blend-state interfaces. If there is only one blend-state interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a blend-state interface (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476655 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D11BlendState** ppState) ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState

Sets an effect's blend-state.

Index into an array of blend-state interfaces. If there is only one blend-state interface, use 0.

A reference to an interface containing the blend-state to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476656 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::SetBlendState([In] unsigned int Index,[In] ID3D11BlendState* pState) ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::SetBlendState

Reverts a previously set blend-state.

Index into an array of blend-state interfaces. If there is only one blend-state interface, use 0.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476657 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::UndoSetBlendState([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::UndoSetBlendState

Get a reference to a blend-state variable.

Index into an array of blend-state descriptions. If there is only one blend-state variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a blend-state description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. Backing store data can used to recreate the variable when necessary.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476654 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable::GetBackingStore

A depth-stencil-variable interface accesses depth-stencil state.

An interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476677 ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable
Get a pointer to a depth-stencil interface. Returns a pointer to a blend-state interface (see ). HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a depth-stencil interface.

Index into an array of depth-stencil interfaces. If there is only one depth-stencil interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a blend-state interface (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476679 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D11DepthStencilState** ppState) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState

Sets the depth stencil state.

Index into an array of depth-stencil interfaces. If there is only one depth-stencil interface, use 0.

Pointer to an interface containing the new depth stencil state.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476680 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::SetDepthStencilState([In] unsigned int Index,[In] ID3D11DepthStencilState* pState) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::SetDepthStencilState

Reverts a previously set depth stencil state.

Index into an array of depth-stencil interfaces. If there is only one depth-stencil interface, use 0.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476681 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::UndoSetDepthStencilState([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::UndoSetDepthStencilState

Get a reference to a variable that contains depth-stencil state.

Index into an array of depth-stencil-state descriptions. If there is only one depth-stencil variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a depth-stencil-state description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. Backing store data can used to recreate the variable when necessary.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476678 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetBackingStore

A depth-stencil-view-variable interface accesses a depth-stencil view.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476682 ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable
Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources. A pointer to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources. A pointer to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . The zero-based array index to set the first interface. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources. The zero-based array index to get the first interface. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a depth-stencil-view resource.

A reference to a depth-stencil-view interface. See .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476685 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencil([In] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pResource) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencil

Get a depth-stencil-view resource.

The address of a reference to a depth-stencil-view interface. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476683 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencil([Out] ID3D11DepthStencilView** ppResource) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencil

Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to set the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476686 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray

Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to set the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476686 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray

Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to set the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476686 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray

Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476684 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D11DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray

Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476705 ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable
Set a floating-point matrix. A pointer to the first element in the matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix([In] float* pData) Get a matrix. A reference to the first element in a matrix. Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Get a matrix. A reference to the first element in a matrix. Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Set a floating-point matrix. A pointer to the first element in the matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix([In] float* pData) Set an array of floating-point matrices. A pointer to the first matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of floating-point matrices. A pointer to the first matrix. The number of matrix elements to skip from the start of the array. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of matrices. The number of matrices in the returned array. Returns an array of matrix. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of matrices. The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix returned. The number of matrices in the returned array. Returns an array of matrix. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and set a floating-point matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to the first element of a matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose([In] float* pData) Transpose and set a floating-point matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to the first element of a matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose([In] float* pData) Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to an array of matrices. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray([In] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to an array of matrices. The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray([In] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and get a floating-point matrix. The transposed matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Transpose and get a floating-point matrix. The transposed matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). The number of matrices in the array to get. Returns an array of transposed . HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to get. The number of matrices in the array to get. Returns an array of transposed . HRESULT ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a floating-point matrix.

A reference to the first element in the matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476702 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix([In] const SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix

Get a matrix.

A reference to the first element in a matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476698 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix

Set an array of floating-point matrices.

A reference to the first matrix.

The number of matrix elements to skip from the start of the array.

The number of elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476703 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray([In, Buffer] const SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray

Get an array of matrices.

A reference to the first element of the first matrix in an array of matrices.

The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix returned.

The number of matrices in the returned array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476699 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixPointerArray([In, Buffer] const float** ppData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixPointerArray No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixPointerArray([Out, Buffer] float** ppData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixPointerArray

Transpose and set a floating-point matrix.

A reference to the first element of a matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476704 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose([In] const SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose

Transpose and get a floating-point matrix.

A reference to the first element of a transposed matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476700 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose

Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices.

A reference to an array of matrices.

The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to set.

The number of matrices in the array to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476705 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray([In, Buffer] const SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray

Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices.

A reference to the first element of an array of tranposed matrices.

The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to get.

The number of matrices in the array to get.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476701 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposePointerArray([In, Buffer] const float** ppData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposePointerArray No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposePointerArray([Out, Buffer] float** ppData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposePointerArray

An interface encapsulates state assignments within a technique.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods

A pass is a block of code that sets render-state objects and shaders. A pass is declared within a technique.

To get an effect-pass interface, call a method like .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476706 ID3DX11EffectPass ID3DX11EffectPass
Set the state contained in a pass to the device. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT Apply([None] UINT Flags) Set the state contained in a pass to the device. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT Apply([None] UINT Flags) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test a pass to see if it contains valid syntax.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476718 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3DX11EffectPass::IsValid()

Get a pass description.

A pass is a block of code that sets render state and shaders (which in turn sets constant buffers, samplers and textures). An effect technique contains one or more passes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476712 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_DESC* pDesc)

Get a vertex-shader description.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476717 GetVertexShaderDesc GetVertexShaderDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get a geometry-shader description.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476714 GetGeometryShaderDesc GetGeometryShaderDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get a pixel-shader description.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476716 GetPixelShaderDesc GetPixelShaderDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get hull-shader description.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476715 GetHullShaderDesc GetHullShaderDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetHullShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get a domain-shader description.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476713 GetDomainShaderDesc GetDomainShaderDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDomainShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get a compute-shader description.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476711 GetComputeShaderDesc GetComputeShaderDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetComputeShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Test a pass to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476718 BOOL ID3DX11EffectPass::IsValid() ID3DX11EffectPass::IsValid

Get a pass description.

A reference to a pass description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

A pass is a block of code that sets render state and shaders (which in turn sets constant buffers, samplers and textures). An effect technique contains one or more passes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476712 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDesc

Get a vertex-shader description.

A reference to a vertex-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476717 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc

Get a geometry-shader description.

A reference to a geometry-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476714 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc

Get a pixel-shader description.

A reference to a pixel-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476716 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc

Get hull-shader description.

A reference to a hull-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476715 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetHullShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetHullShaderDesc

Get a domain-shader description.

A reference to a domain-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476713 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDomainShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetDomainShaderDesc

Get a compute-shader description.

A reference to a compute-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476711 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::GetComputeShaderDesc([Out] D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetComputeShaderDesc

Get an annotation by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476709 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectPass::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

The name of the annotation.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476710 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectPass::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectPass::GetAnnotationByName

Set the state contained in a pass to the device.


The to apply the pass to.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476707 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::Apply([In] unsigned int Flags,[In] ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext) ID3DX11EffectPass::Apply

Generate a mask for allowing/preventing state changes.

A reference to a state-block mask (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476708 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectPass::ComputeStateBlockMask([InOut] D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK* pStateBlockMask) ID3DX11EffectPass::ComputeStateBlockMask

Describes an effect pass, which contains pipeline state.

is used with .

Returns the signature of this Effect pass. Returns true if this Effect pass has a Signature (eg: if a VertexShader or Geometry Shader is present), false otherwise

Name of this pass (null if not anonymous).

ff476319 const char* Name char Name

Number of annotations on this pass.

ff476319 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

Signature from the vertex shader or geometry shader (if there is no vertex shader) or null if neither exists.

ff476319 unsigned char* pIAInputSignature unsigned char pIAInputSignature

Singature size in bytes.

ff476319 unsigned int IAInputSignatureSize unsigned int IAInputSignatureSize

The stencil-reference value used in the depth-stencil state.

ff476319 unsigned int StencilRef unsigned int StencilRef

The sample mask for the blend state.

ff476319 unsigned int SampleMask unsigned int SampleMask

The per-component blend factors (RGBA) for the blend state.

ff476319 SHARPDX_COLOR4 BlendFactor SHARPDX_COLOR4 BlendFactor

Describes an effect pass.

is used with Get*ShaderDesc methods.

If this is an inline shader assignment, the returned interface will be an anonymous shader variable, which is not retrievable any other way. It's name in the variable description will be "$Anonymous". If there is no assignment of this type in the pass block, pShaderVariable != null, but pShaderVariable->IsValid() == .

A reference to the variable that the shader came from. If it is an inline shader assignment, the returned interface will be an anonymous shader variable, which is not retrievable any other way. Its name in the variable description will be "$Anonymous". If there is no assignment of this type in the pass block, this will point to a shader variable that returns false when IsValid is called. ID3D10EffectShaderVariable* pShaderVariable

The variable that this shader came from.

ff476320 ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable* pShaderVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable pShaderVariable

The element of pShaderVariable (if an array) or 0 if not applicable.

ff476320 unsigned int ShaderIndex unsigned int ShaderIndex

Reverts a previously set rasterizer state.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476723 ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable
Get a pointer to a rasterizer interface. Returns a pointer to a rasterizer interface (see ). HRESULT ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a rasterizer interface.

Index into an array of rasterizer interfaces. If there is only one rasterizer interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a rasterizer interface (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476721 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D11RasterizerState** ppState) ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState

Sets the rasterizer state.

Index into an array of rasterizer interfaces. If there is only one rasterizer interface, use 0.

Pointer to an interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476722 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::SetRasterizerState([In] unsigned int Index,[In] ID3D11RasterizerState* pState) ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::SetRasterizerState

Reverts a previously set rasterizer state.

Index into an array of rasterizer interfaces. If there is only one rasterizer interface, use 0.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476723 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::UndoSetRasterizerState([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::UndoSetRasterizerState

Get a reference to a variable that contains rasteriser state.

Index into an array of rasteriser-state descriptions. If there is only one rasteriser variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a rasteriser-state description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. Backing store data can used to recreate the variable when necessary.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476720 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable::GetBackingStore

Set a render-target.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476727 ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable
Set an array of render-targets. Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See . Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of render-targets. Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See . The zero-based array index to store the first interface. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of render-targets. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of . HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of render-targets. The zero-based array index to get the first interface. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of . HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a render-target.

A reference to a render-target-view interface. See .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476727 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTarget([In] ID3D11RenderTargetView* pResource) ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTarget

Get a render-target.

The address of a reference to a render-target-view interface. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476725 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTarget([Out] ID3D11RenderTargetView** ppResource) ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTarget

Set an array of render-targets.

Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to store the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476728 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray

Set an array of render-targets.

Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to store the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476728 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray

Set an array of render-targets.

Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to store the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476728 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray

Get an array of render-targets.

A reference to an array of render-target-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476726 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D11RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray

A sampler interface accesses sampler state.

An interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476729 ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable
Get a reference to a sampler interface. Returns a reference to a sampler interface (see ). HRESULT ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSampler) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a sampler interface.

Index into an array of sampler interfaces. If there is only one sampler interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a sampler interface (see ).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476731 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D11SamplerState** ppSampler) ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler

Set sampler state.

Index into an array of sampler interfaces. If there is only one sampler interface, use 0.

Pointer to an interface containing the sampler state.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476732 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::SetSampler([In] unsigned int Index,[In] ID3D11SamplerState* pSampler) ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::SetSampler

Revert a previously set sampler state.

Index into an array of sampler interfaces. If there is only one sampler interface, use 0.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476733 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::UndoSetSampler([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::UndoSetSampler

Get a reference to a variable that contains sampler state.

Index into an array of sampler descriptions. If there is only one sampler variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a sampler description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476730 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable::GetBackingStore

Set an array of boolean variables.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476742 ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable
Set a floating-point variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat([None] float Value) Set an array of floating-point variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of floating-point variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of floating-point variables. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of floats. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of floating-point variables. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of floats. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an unsigned integer variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetInt([None] int Value) Set an array of unsigned integer variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an integer variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetInt([None] int Value) Set an array of integer variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of integer variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of integer variables. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of integer variables. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of integer variables. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of integer variables. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set a boolean variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBool([None] BOOL Value) Get a boolean variable. Returns a boolean. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBool([Out] BOOL* pValue) Set an array of boolean variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray([In, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of boolean variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray([In, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of boolean variables. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. The number of array elements to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a floating-point variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476743 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat([In] const float Value) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat

Get a floating-point variable.

A reference to the variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476737 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat([Out] float* pValue) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat

Set an array of floating-point variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476744 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray([In, Buffer] const float* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray

Get an array of floating-point variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476738 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray

Set an integer variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476745 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetInt([In] const int Value) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetInt

Get an integer variable.

A reference to the variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476739 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetInt([Out] int* pValue) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetInt

Set an array of integer variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476746 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] const int* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray

Get an array of integer variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476740 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray

Set a boolean variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476741 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBool([In] const BOOL Value) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBool

Get a boolean variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476735 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBool([Out] BOOL* pValue) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBool

Set an array of boolean variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476742 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray([In, Buffer] const BOOL* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray

Get an array of boolean variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476736 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray

Describes an effect shader.

is used with .

Gets the signature passed into InputLayout. Only valid on a vertex shader or geometry shader. The signature. Gets the bytecode from the compiled shader. The bytecode.

Passed into CreateInputLayout. Only valid on a vertex shader or geometry shader. See .

ff476304 const unsigned char* pInputSignature unsigned char pInputSignature

TRUE is the shader is defined inline; otherwise .

ff476304 BOOL IsInline BOOL IsInline

Shader bytecode.

ff476304 const unsigned char* pBytecode unsigned char pBytecode

The length of pBytecode.

ff476304 unsigned int BytecodeLength unsigned int BytecodeLength

Stream out declaration string (for geometry shader with SO).

ff476304 const void* SODecls[4] void SODecls

Indicates which stream is rasterized. D3D11 geometry shaders can output up to four streams of data, one of which can be rasterized.

ff476304 unsigned int RasterizedStream unsigned int RasterizedStream

Number of entries in the input signature.

ff476304 unsigned int NumInputSignatureEntries unsigned int NumInputSignatureEntries

Number of entries in the output signature.

ff476304 unsigned int NumOutputSignatureEntries unsigned int NumOutputSignatureEntries

Number of entries in the patch constant signature.

ff476304 unsigned int NumPatchConstantSignatureEntries unsigned int NumPatchConstantSignatureEntries

Set a shader resource.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476750 ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable
Set an array of shader resources. The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of shader resources. The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . The zero-based array index to get the first interface. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of shader resources. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray([Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of shader resources. The zero-based array index to get the first interface. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray([Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a shader resource.

The address of a reference to a shader-resource-view interface. See .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476750 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResource([In] ID3D11ShaderResourceView* pResource) ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResource

Get a shader resource.

The address of a reference to a shader-resource-view interface. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476748 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResource([Out] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppResource) ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResource

Set an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476751 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray

Set an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476751 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray

Set an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476751 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray

Get an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See .

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476749 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray

A string-variable interface accesses a string variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476763 ID3DX11EffectStringVariable ID3DX11EffectStringVariable
Get the string. Returns a reference to the string. HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetString([Out] const char** ppString) Get an array of strings. The number of strings in the returned array. Returns a reference to the first string in the array. HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray([Out, Buffer] const char** ppStrings,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of strings. The offset (in number of strings) between the start of the array and the first string to get. The number of strings in the returned array. Returns a reference to the first string in the array. HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray([Out, Buffer] const char** ppStrings,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the string.

A reference to the string.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476764 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectStringVariable::GetString([Out] const void** ppString) ID3DX11EffectStringVariable::GetString

Get an array of strings.

A reference to the first string in the array.

The offset (in number of strings) between the start of the array and the first string to get.

The number of strings in the returned array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476765 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray([Out, Buffer] const void** ppStrings,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray

Accesses an unordered access view.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476783 ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable
Sets the specified view. The view. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) Sets the specified data ref. The data ref. The offset. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) Sets the specified data ref. The data ref. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) Sets the specified data ref. The data ref. The offset. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) Gets the unordered access view array. The count. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessViewArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) Gets the unordered access view array. The offset. The count. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessViewArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set an unordered-access-view.

Pointer to an .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476786 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessView([In] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView* pResource) ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessView

Get an unordered-access-view.

Pointer to an reference that will be set on return.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476784 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessView([Out] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResource) ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessView

Set an array of unordered-access-views.

An array of references.

Index of the first unordered-access-view.

Number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476787 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray

Set an array of unordered-access-views.

An array of references.

Index of the first unordered-access-view.

Number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476787 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray

Set an array of unordered-access-views.

An array of references.

Index of the first unordered-access-view.

Number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476787 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray([In, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::SetUnorderedAccessViewArray

Get an array of unordered-access-views.

Pointer to an reference that will be set to the UAV array on return.

Index of the first interface.

Number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476785 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessViewArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable::GetUnorderedAccessViewArray

The interface is the base class for all effect variables.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods
Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476788 ID3DX11EffectVariable ID3DX11EffectVariable
Set data. A reference to the variable. size in bytes of data to write. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVariable::SetRawValue([None] void* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get data. This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items. The number of bytes to get. Returns a filled with the value. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVariable::GetRawValue([None] void* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get a scalar variable. AsScalar returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a scalar variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain scalar data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a scalar variable. See . ID3D11EffectScalarVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsScalar() Get a vector variable. AsVector returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a vector variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain vector data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a vector variable. See . ID3D11EffectVectorVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsVector() Get a matrix variable. AsMatrix returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a matrix variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain matrix data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a matrix variable. See . ID3D11EffectMatrixVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsMatrix() Get a string variable. AsString returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a string variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain string data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a string variable. See . ID3D11EffectStringVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsString() Get a shader-resource variable. AsShaderResource returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader-resource variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader-resource data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a shader-resource variable. See . ID3D11EffectShaderResourceVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsShaderResource() Get a render-target-view variable. This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a render-target-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain render-target-view data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a render-target-view variable. See . ID3D11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView() Get a depth-stencil-view variable. This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil-view data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a depth-stencil-view variable. See . ID3D11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView() Get a class instance variable. A reference to a . ID3D11EffectClassInstanceVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsClassInstance() Get an interface variable. A reference to a . ID3D11EffectClassInstanceVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsInterface() Get an unordered access view variable. A reference to a . ID3D11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView() Get a constant buffer. AsConstantBuffer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a constant buffer. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain constant buffer data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a constant buffer. See . ID3D11EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer() Get a shader variable. AsShader returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a shader variable. See . ID3D11EffectShaderVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsShader() Get a effect-blend variable. AsBlend returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to an effect-blend variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain effect-blend data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to an effect blend variable. See . ID3D11EffectBlendVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsBlend() Get a depth-stencil variable. AsDepthStencil returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a depth-stencil variable. See . ID3D11EffectDepthStencilVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil() Get a rasterizer variable. AsRasterizer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a rasterizer variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain rasterizer data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a rasterizer variable. See . ID3D11EffectRasterizerVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsRasterizer() Get a sampler variable. AsSampler returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a sampler variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain sampler data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a sampler variable. See . ID3D11EffectSamplerVariable* ID3D11EffectVariable::AsSampler() Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Compare the data type with the data stored.

This method checks that the data type matches the data stored after casting one interface to another (using any of the As methods).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476815 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3DX11EffectVariable::IsValid()

Get type information.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476814 GetType GetType ID3DX11EffectType* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetType()

Get a description.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476807 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC* pDesc)

Get a constant buffer.

Effect variables are read-from or written-to a constant buffer.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476812 GetParentConstantBuffer GetParentConstantBuffer ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer()

Compare the data type with the data stored.

TRUE if the syntax is valid; otherwise .

This method checks that the data type matches the data stored after casting one interface to another (using any of the As methods).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476815 BOOL ID3DX11EffectVariable::IsValid() ID3DX11EffectVariable::IsValid

Get type information.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476814 ID3DX11EffectType* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetType() ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetType

Get a description.

A reference to an effect-variable description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476807 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetDesc

Get an annotation by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an .

Annonations can be attached to a technique, a pass, or a global variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476805 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

The annotation name.

A reference to an . Note that if the annotation is not found the returned will be empty. The method should be called to determine whether the annotation was found.

Annonations can be attached to a technique, a pass, or a global variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476806 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByName

Get a structure member by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an .

If the effect variable is an structure, use this method to look up a member by index.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476809 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex

Get a structure member by name.

Member name.

A reference to an .

If the effect variable is an structure, use this method to look up a member by name.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476810 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberByName

Get a structure member by semantic.

The semantic.

A reference to an .

If the effect variable is an structure, use this method to look up a member by attached semantic.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476811 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic([In] const char* Semantic) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic

Get an array element.

A zero-based index; otherwise 0.

A reference to an .

If the effect variable is an array, use this method to return one of the elements.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476808 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetElement([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetElement

Get a constant buffer.

A reference to a .

Effect variables are read-from or written-to a constant buffer.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476812 ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer* ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer() ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer

Get a scalar variable.

A reference to a scalar variable. See .

AsScalar returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a scalar variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain scalar data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476799 ID3DX11EffectScalarVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsScalar() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsScalar

Get a vector variable.

A reference to a vector variable. See .

AsVector returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a vector variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain vector data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476804 ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsVector() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsVector

Get a matrix variable.

A reference to a matrix variable. See .

AsMatrix returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a matrix variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain matrix data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476795 ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsMatrix() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsMatrix

Get a string variable.

A reference to a string variable. See .

AsString returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a string variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain string data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476802 ID3DX11EffectStringVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsString() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsString

Get a class-instance variable.

A reference to class-instance variable. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476790 ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsClassInstance() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsClassInstance

Get an interface variable.

A reference to an interface variable. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476794 ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsInterface() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsInterface

Get a shader-resource variable.

A reference to a shader-resource variable. See .

AsShaderResource returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader-resource variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader-resource data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476801 ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShaderResource() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShaderResource

Get an unordered-access-view variable.

A reference to an unordered-access-view variable. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476803 ID3DX11EffectUnorderedAccessViewVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsUnorderedAccessView() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsUnorderedAccessView

Get a render-target-view variable.

A reference to a render-target-view variable. See .

This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a render-target-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain render-target-view data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476797 ID3DX11EffectRenderTargetViewVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView

Get a depth-stencil-view variable.

A reference to a depth-stencil-view variable. See .

This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil-view data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476793 ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilViewVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView

Get a constant buffer.

A reference to a constant buffer. See .

AsConstantBuffer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a constant buffer. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain constant buffer data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476791 ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer

Get a shader variable.

A reference to a shader variable. See .

AsShader returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476800 ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShader() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsShader

Get a effect-blend variable.

A reference to an effect blend variable. See .

AsBlend returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to an effect-blend variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain effect-blend data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476789 ID3DX11EffectBlendVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsBlend() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsBlend

Get a depth-stencil variable.

A reference to a depth-stencil variable. See .

AsDepthStencil returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476792 ID3DX11EffectDepthStencilVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil

Get a rasterizer variable.

A reference to a rasterizer variable. See .

AsRasterizer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a rasterizer variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain rasterizer data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476796 ID3DX11EffectRasterizerVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRasterizer() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsRasterizer

Get a sampler variable.

A reference to a sampler variable. See .

AsSampler returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a sampler variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain sampler data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476798 ID3DX11EffectSamplerVariable* ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsSampler() ID3DX11EffectVariable::AsSampler

Set data.

A reference to the variable.

The offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the reference to the data.

The number of bytes to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476816 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVariable::SetRawValue([In, Buffer] const void* pData,[In] unsigned int ByteOffset,[In] unsigned int ByteCount) ID3DX11EffectVariable::SetRawValue

Get data.

A reference to the variable.

The offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the reference to the data.

The number of bytes to get.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476813 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetRawValue([Out, Buffer] void* pData,[In] unsigned int ByteOffset,[In] unsigned int ByteCount) ID3DX11EffectVariable::GetRawValue

A vector-variable interface accesses a four-component vector.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476817 ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable
Get a four-component vector that contains integer data. Returns a four-component vector that contains integer data HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector([Out] int* pData) Get a four-component vector that contains floating-point data. Returns a four-component vector that contains floating-point data. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector([Out] float* pData) Get a four-component vector that contains boolean data. a four-component vector that contains boolean data. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData) Get a four-component vector. Type of the four-component vector a four-component vector. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData) Set an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. Type of the four-component vector A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set a x-component vector. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a x-component vector. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a two-component vector that contains floating-point data. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a three-component vector that contains floating-point data. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a four-component color that contains floating-point data. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set an array of four-component color that contain floating-point data. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray([None] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. The number of array elements to set. an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. The number of array elements to set. an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a four-component vector that contains boolean data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476824 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVector([In] const SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVector

Set a four-component vector that contains integer data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476828 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVector([In] const SHARPDX_INT4* pData) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVector

Set a four-component vector that contains floating-point data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476826 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In, Buffer] const float* pData) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector

Get a four-component vector that contains boolean data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476818 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector([Out] SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector

Get a four-component vector that contains integer data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476822 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector([Out] SHARPDX_INT4* pData) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector

Get a four-component vector that contains floating-point data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476820 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector([Out] SHARPDX_VECTOR4* pData) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector

Set an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476825 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVectorArray([In, Buffer] const SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVectorArray

Set an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476829 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray([In, Buffer] const SHARPDX_INT4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray

Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476827 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] const SHARPDX_VECTOR4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray

Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476819 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray

Get an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476823 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_INT4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray

Get an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476821 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_VECTOR4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX11EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray

Gets a class instance.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476659 ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Gets a class instance.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476659 GetClassInstance GetClassInstance HRESULT ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable::GetClassInstance([Out] ID3D11ClassInstance** ppClassInstance)

Gets a class instance.

Pointer to an reference that will be set to class instance.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476659 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable::GetClassInstance([Out] ID3D11ClassInstance** ppClassInstance) ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable::GetClassInstance

Reverts a previously set texture buffer.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476676 ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a constant-buffer.

A reference to a constant-buffer interface. See .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476673 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::SetConstantBuffer([In] ID3D11Buffer* pConstantBuffer) ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::SetConstantBuffer

Reverts a previously set constant buffer.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476675 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::UndoSetConstantBuffer() ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::UndoSetConstantBuffer

Get a constant-buffer.

The address of a reference to a constant-buffer interface. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476671 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::GetConstantBuffer([Out] ID3D11Buffer** ppConstantBuffer) ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::GetConstantBuffer

Set a texture-buffer.

A reference to a shader-resource-view interface for accessing a texture buffer.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476674 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::SetTextureBuffer([In] ID3D11ShaderResourceView* pTextureBuffer) ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::SetTextureBuffer

Reverts a previously set texture buffer.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476676 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::UndoSetTextureBuffer() ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::UndoSetTextureBuffer

Get a texture-buffer.

The address of a reference to a shader-resource-view interface for accessing a texture buffer. See .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476672 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::GetTextureBuffer([Out] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppTextureBuffer) ID3DX11EffectConstantBuffer::GetTextureBuffer

The interface accesses an Effect group.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods

To get an interface, call a method like .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476687 ID3DX11EffectGroup ID3DX11EffectGroup
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476693 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3DX11EffectGroup::IsValid()

Gets a group description.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476690 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_GROUP_DESC* pDesc)

Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476693 BOOL ID3DX11EffectGroup::IsValid() ID3DX11EffectGroup::IsValid

Gets a group description.

A reference to a structure.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476690 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_GROUP_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetDesc

Get an annotation by index.

Index of the annotation.

Pointer to an interface.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476688 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

The name of the annotation.

A reference to an . Note that if the annotation is not found the returned will be empty. The method should be called to determine whether the annotation was found.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476689 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetAnnotationByName

Get a technique by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476691 ID3DX11EffectTechnique* ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetTechniqueByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetTechniqueByIndex

Get a technique by name.

The name of the technique.

A reference to an , or null if the technique is not found.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476692 ID3DX11EffectTechnique* ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetTechniqueByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectGroup::GetTechniqueByName

Accesses an interface variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476694 ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get or sets a class instance.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476695 GetClassInstance / SetClassInstance GetClassInstance HRESULT ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::GetClassInstance([Out] ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable** ppEffectClassInstance)

Sets a class instance.

Pointer to an interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476696 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::SetClassInstance([In] ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable* pEffectClassInstance) ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::SetClassInstance

Get a class instance.

Pointer to an reference that will be set to the class instance.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476695 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::GetClassInstance([Out] ID3DX11EffectClassInstanceVariable** ppEffectClassInstance) ID3DX11EffectInterfaceVariable::GetClassInstance

A shader-variable interface accesses a shader variable.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476752 ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a shader description.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a shader description (see ).

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476761 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc

Get a vertex shader.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an reference that will be set to the vertex shader on return.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476762 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D11VertexShader** ppVS) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader

Get a geometry shader.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an reference that will be set to the geometry shader on return.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476755 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D11GeometryShader** ppGS) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader

Get a pixel shader.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an reference that will be set to the pixel shader on return.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476760 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D11PixelShader** ppPS) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader

Get a hull shader.

Index of the shader.

A reference to an reference that will be set to the hull shader on return.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476756 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetHullShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D11HullShader** ppHS) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetHullShader

Get a domain shader.

Index of the domain shader.

Pointer to an reference that will be set to the domain shader on return.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476754 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetDomainShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D11DomainShader** ppDS) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetDomainShader

Get a compute shader.

Index of the compute shader.

Pointer to an reference that will be set to the compute shader on return.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476753 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetComputeShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D11ComputeShader** ppCS) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetComputeShader

Get an input-signature description.

A zero-based shader index.

A zero-based shader-element index.

A reference to a parameter description (see ).

An effect contains one or more shaders; each shader has an input and output signature; each signature contains one or more elements (or parameters). The shader index identifies the shader and the element index identifies the element (or parameter) in the shader signature.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476757 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[In] unsigned int Element,[Out] D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc

Get an output-signature description.

A zero-based shader index.

A zero-based element index.

A reference to a parameter description (see ).

An effect contains one or more shaders; each shader has an input and output signature; each signature contains one or more elements (or parameters). The shader index identifies the shader and the element index identifies the element (or parameter) in the shader signature.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476758 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[In] unsigned int Element,[Out] D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc

Get a patch constant signature description.

A zero-based shader index.

A zero-based element index.

A reference to a parameter description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476759 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[In] unsigned int Element,[Out] D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectShaderVariable::GetPatchConstantSignatureElementDesc

An interface is a collection of passes.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods

An effect contains one or more techniques; each technique contains one or more passes; each pass contains state assignments.

To get an effect-technique interface, call a method such as .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476766 ID3DX11EffectTechnique ID3DX11EffectTechnique
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test a technique to see if it contains valid syntax.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476773 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3DX11EffectTechnique::IsValid()

Get a technique description.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476770 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_TECHNIQUE_DESC* pDesc)

Test a technique to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476773 BOOL ID3DX11EffectTechnique::IsValid() ID3DX11EffectTechnique::IsValid

Get a technique description.

A reference to a technique description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476770 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_TECHNIQUE_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetDesc

Get an annotation by index.

The zero-based index of the interface reference.

A reference to an .

Use an annotation to attach a piece of metadata to a technique.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476768 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

Name of the annotation.

A reference to an .

Use an annotation to attach a piece of metadata to a technique.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476769 ID3DX11EffectVariable* ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByName

Get a pass by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a .

A technique contains one or more passes; get a pass using a name or an index.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476771 ID3DX11EffectPass* ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetPassByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetPassByIndex

Get a pass by name.

The name of the pass.

A reference to an .

A technique contains one or more passes; get a pass using a name or an index.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476772 ID3DX11EffectPass* ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetPassByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectTechnique::GetPassByName

Compute a state-block mask to allow/prevent state changes.

A reference to a state-block mask (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476767 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectTechnique::ComputeStateBlockMask([InOut] D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK_MASK* pStateBlockMask) ID3DX11EffectTechnique::ComputeStateBlockMask

Get the semantic attached to a member.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476778 ID3DX11EffectType ID3DX11EffectType
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Tests that the effect type is valid.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476782 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3DX11EffectType::IsValid()

Get an effect-type description.

The effect-variable description contains data about the name, annotations, semantic, flags and buffer offset of the effect type.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476775 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3DX11EffectType::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC* pDesc)

Tests that the effect type is valid.

TRUE if it is valid; otherwise .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476782 BOOL ID3DX11EffectType::IsValid() ID3DX11EffectType::IsValid

Get an effect-type description.

A reference to an effect-type description. See .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.

The effect-variable description contains data about the name, annotations, semantic, flags and buffer offset of the effect type.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.?
ff476775 HRESULT ID3DX11EffectType::GetDesc([Out] D3DX11_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC* pDesc) ID3DX11EffectType::GetDesc

Get a member type by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476779 ID3DX11EffectType* ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex

Get an member type by name.

A member's name.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476780 ID3DX11EffectType* ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName([In] const char* Name) ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName

Get a member type by semantic.

A semantic.

A reference to an .

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476781 ID3DX11EffectType* ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic([In] const char* Semantic) ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic

Get the name of a member.

A zero-based index.

The name of the member.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476776 const char* ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberName([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberName

Get the semantic attached to a member.

A zero-based index.

A string that contains the semantic.

Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11.? ff476778 const char* ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberSemantic([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX11EffectType::GetMemberSemantic

Describes an effect.

is used with .


Number of constant buffers in this effect.

ff476303 unsigned int ConstantBuffers unsigned int ConstantBuffers

Number of global variables in this effect.

ff476303 unsigned int GlobalVariables unsigned int GlobalVariables

Number of global interfaces in this effect.

ff476303 unsigned int InterfaceVariables unsigned int InterfaceVariables

Number of techniques in this effect.

ff476303 unsigned int Techniques unsigned int Techniques

Number of groups in this effect.

ff476303 unsigned int Groups unsigned int Groups

Describes an effect group.

is used with .


Name of this group (only null if global).

ff476314 const char* Name char Name

Number of techniques contained in group.

ff476314 unsigned int Techniques unsigned int Techniques

Number of annotations on this group.

ff476314 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

Describes an effect technique.

is used with .


Name of this technique (null if not anonymous).

ff476326 const char* Name char Name

Number of passes contained in the technique.

ff476326 unsigned int Passes unsigned int Passes

Number of annotations on this technique.

ff476326 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

Describes an effect-variable type.

is used with


Name of the type, for example "float4" or "MyStruct".

ff476305 const char* TypeName char TypeName

The variable class (see D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS).


The variable type (see D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE).


Number of elements in this type (0 if not an array).

ff476305 unsigned int Elements unsigned int Elements

Number of members (0 if not a structure).

ff476305 unsigned int Members unsigned int Members

Number of rows in this type (0 if not a numeric primitive).

ff476305 unsigned int Rows unsigned int Rows

Number of columns in this type (0 if not a numeric primitive).

ff476305 unsigned int Columns unsigned int Columns

Number of bytes required to represent this data type, when tightly packed.

ff476305 unsigned int PackedSize unsigned int PackedSize

Number of bytes occupied by this data type, when laid out in a constant buffer.

ff476305 unsigned int UnpackedSize unsigned int UnpackedSize

Number of bytes to seek between elements, when laid out in a constant buffer.

ff476305 unsigned int Stride unsigned int Stride

Describes an effect variable.

is used with .


Name of this variable, annotation, or structure member.

ff476306 const char* Name char Name

Semantic string of this variable or structure member (null for annotations or if not present).

ff476306 const char* Semantic char Semantic

Optional flags for effect variables.


Number of annotations on this variable (always 0 for annotations).

ff476306 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

Offset into containing cbuffer or tbuffer (always 0 for annotations or variables not in constant buffers).

ff476306 unsigned int BufferOffset unsigned int BufferOffset

Used if the variable has been explicitly bound using the register keyword. Check Flags for .

ff476306 unsigned int ExplicitBindPoint unsigned int ExplicitBindPoint

Indicates the device state.

A state-block mask indicates the device states that a pass or a technique changes.


Boolean value indicating whether to save the vertex shader state.

ff476325 unsigned char VS unsigned char VS

Array of vertex-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

ff476325 unsigned char VSSamplers[2] unsigned char VSSamplers

Array of vertex-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char VSShaderResources[16] unsigned char VSShaderResources

Array of vertex-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one constant buffer slot.

ff476325 unsigned char VSConstantBuffers[2] unsigned char VSConstantBuffers

Array of vertex-shader interfaces. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one interface slot.

ff476325 unsigned char VSInterfaces[32] unsigned char VSInterfaces

Boolean value indicating whether to save the hull shader state.

ff476325 unsigned char HS unsigned char HS

Array of hull-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

ff476325 unsigned char HSSamplers[2] unsigned char HSSamplers

Array of hull-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char HSShaderResources[16] unsigned char HSShaderResources

Array of hull-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one constant buffer slot.

ff476325 unsigned char HSConstantBuffers[2] unsigned char HSConstantBuffers

Array of hull-shader interfaces. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one interface slot.

ff476325 unsigned char HSInterfaces[32] unsigned char HSInterfaces

Boolean value indicating whether to save the domain shader state.

ff476325 unsigned char DS unsigned char DS

Array of domain-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

ff476325 unsigned char DSSamplers[2] unsigned char DSSamplers

Array of domain-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char DSShaderResources[16] unsigned char DSShaderResources

Array of domain-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one buffer slot.

ff476325 unsigned char DSConstantBuffers[2] unsigned char DSConstantBuffers

Array of domain-shader interfaces. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one interface slot.

ff476325 unsigned char DSInterfaces[32] unsigned char DSInterfaces

Boolean value indicating whether to save the geometry shader state.

ff476325 unsigned char GS unsigned char GS

Array of geometry-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

ff476325 unsigned char GSSamplers[2] unsigned char GSSamplers

Array of geometry-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char GSShaderResources[16] unsigned char GSShaderResources

Array of geometry-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one buffer slot.

ff476325 unsigned char GSConstantBuffers[2] unsigned char GSConstantBuffers

Array of geometry-shader interfaces. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one interface slot.

ff476325 unsigned char GSInterfaces[32] unsigned char GSInterfaces

Boolean value indicating whether to save the pixel shader state.

ff476325 unsigned char PS unsigned char PS

Array of pixel-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

ff476325 unsigned char PSSamplers[2] unsigned char PSSamplers

Array of pixel-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char PSShaderResources[16] unsigned char PSShaderResources

Array of pixel-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one constant buffer slot.

ff476325 unsigned char PSConstantBuffers[2] unsigned char PSConstantBuffers

Array of pixel-shader interfaces. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one interface slot.

ff476325 unsigned char PSInterfaces[32] unsigned char PSInterfaces

Boolean value indicating whether to save the pixel shader unordered access views.

ff476325 unsigned char PSUnorderedAccessViews unsigned char PSUnorderedAccessViews

Boolean value indicating whether to save the compute shader state.

ff476325 unsigned char CS unsigned char CS

Array of compute-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

ff476325 unsigned char CSSamplers[2] unsigned char CSSamplers

Array of compute-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char CSShaderResources[16] unsigned char CSShaderResources

Array of compute-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one constant buffer slot.

ff476325 unsigned char CSConstantBuffers[2] unsigned char CSConstantBuffers

Array of compute-shader interfaces. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one interface slot.

ff476325 unsigned char CSInterfaces[32] unsigned char CSInterfaces

Boolean value indicating whether to save the compute shader unordered access views.

ff476325 unsigned char CSUnorderedAccessViews unsigned char CSUnorderedAccessViews

Array of vertex buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

ff476325 unsigned char IAVertexBuffers[4] unsigned char IAVertexBuffers

Boolean value indicating whether to save the index buffer state.

ff476325 unsigned char IAIndexBuffer unsigned char IAIndexBuffer

Boolean value indicating whether to save the input layout state.

ff476325 unsigned char IAInputLayout unsigned char IAInputLayout

Boolean value indicating whether to save the primitive topology state.

ff476325 unsigned char IAPrimitiveTopology unsigned char IAPrimitiveTopology

Boolean value indicating whether to save the render targets states.

ff476325 unsigned char OMRenderTargets unsigned char OMRenderTargets

Boolean value indicating whether to save the depth-stencil state.

ff476325 unsigned char OMDepthStencilState unsigned char OMDepthStencilState

Boolean value indicating whether to save the blend state.

ff476325 unsigned char OMBlendState unsigned char OMBlendState

Boolean value indicating whether to save the viewports states.

ff476325 unsigned char RSViewports unsigned char RSViewports

Boolean value indicating whether to save the scissor rectangles states.

ff476325 unsigned char RSScissorRects unsigned char RSScissorRects

Boolean value indicating whether to save the rasterizer state.

ff476325 unsigned char RSRasterizerState unsigned char RSRasterizerState

Boolean value indicating whether to save the stream-out buffers states.

ff476325 unsigned char SOBuffers unsigned char SOBuffers

Boolean value indicating whether to save the predication state.

ff476325 unsigned char Predication unsigned char Predication